Hey guys! My name is Paige and I am the Kinesiologist at Tri City Physio. I am responsible for the patients who have experienced a cardiac event and are taking part in our cardiac rehabilitation program.
I provide each cardiac patient with an individualized exercise prescription, specific to their functional ability and their goals. When patients enroll in the cardiac rehab program, they will get one on one support and feedback from me to help them increase their fitness within healthy limits.
I also provide advice and education about eating a healthy diet, appropriate portion sizes and specific nutrient information that is important for cardiac patients, like watching how much sodium you are eating.
I co-ordinate YMCA referrals for the patients that have completed the cardiac rehab program and set up meetings with a dietician. It is my goal to make sure patients continue to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle to prevent secondary cardiac event.
I look forward to helping patients improve their lifestyle and overall health!
written by Paige Hall